In response to the rising rhetoric of hate and division in our country PopAB encourages all to support Canadian organizations that are working every single day, despite the risks and stresses of COVID-19, to promote healthier and safer communities for all.
Note: this list is in no means exhaustive or in any particular order. If you believe we should add to this list, please leave a comment.
Anti-Hate Advocacy
The Canadian Anti-Hate Network
Organizations that Support Black Canadians
Black Lives Matter Canada
Black Legal Action Centre
Southern Poverty Law Center
Black Health Alliance
Black Space Winnipeg
GoFundMe: A Fund for Black-led Mental Health Supports
Harriet Tubman Community Organization
Black Youth Helpline
Organizations that Support First Nations, Metis, and Inuit Communities
Native Woman’s Association of Canada
Legacy of Hope Foundation
Reconciliation Canada
True North Aid
Indigenous Physicians Association of Canada
The Terry Fox Foundation
Immigration and Refugee Supports
Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association
Canadian Council for Refugees
Government of Canada Registry of Newcomer Services
Mental Health and Disability Rights
Canadian Mental Health Association
Kids Help Phone
Council of Canadians with Disabilities
Veterans Supports
VETS Canada: Veterans Emergency Transition Services
Wounded Warriors Canada
Antisemitism and Holocaust Memorial Organizations
B’nai Brith Canada
Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies
Anti-Islamophobia Organizations
National Council of Canadian Muslims
Muslim Association of Canada
BC Public Interest Advocacy Centre: Islamophobia Legal Assistance Hotline
Organizations that Fight Anti-Asian Hate
Stop AAPI Hate
Fight COVID Racism
Chinese Canadian National Council for Social Justice
Organizations that Support Canadians Experiencing Houselessness
The Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness
Government of Alberta Shelters Directory
British Columbia Shelters Directory
Saskatchewan Shelters Directory
End Homelessness Winnipeg
Ontario Shelters Directory
Shepherds of Good Hope Ottawa
Food Banks
Food Banks Canada (Find your local food bank here)
Thank you POPAB what it is to be a concerned and caring citizen of the world. Your work is tremendously important. Keep it up!
Great list! I donated to the anti-hate network today.